Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowy Pictures

Some Wintery Pictures, playing with exposure time, moving the camera, aperture etc etc.

Held the camera initially to get the exposure, then moved it to add the effect. Not sure if I really like it but...

We called this one "argument Tree" because Erin and I were arguing over the orientation of the picture.

Fall vs Winter. A classic battle.

Much better nighttime shot of our house. Low angle creates a good effect and the houselights don't overexpose on this one.

Lots of snow...

The house in the morning. Icicles etc.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Some swimsuit pics...

First... to show you the situation the models face...

Now some pics... All taken with the Alpha, no corrections done.

Multiple Exposures Continued

Took up to 9 images, adjusted levels and opacity and came up with the following images.

The Wall splitting one I included one original.

Multiple Exposures

Using Sandwiching, some hue/saturation and levels adjustments... I was able to turn the normal subjects into something with a bit more jazz... the top two images are half of the normal images below... I didn't include the defocused images.

Early Alpha Pics

Some Pics with the Sony Alpha... Here's some downtown buildings, good dynamic range..
A blue Heron... out for a fish
The Ocean was glass this morning...
Good image with some rocks...

Monday, May 15, 2006

My boat pics

Just some pictures of my boat, Using Rule of Thirds and Depth of field to accentuate what I'd like.

One more, neighbourhood daredevil in action.

Studio setting

Working with a set-up under different lighting conditions. Objects were meant to tell a story. I don't like what I did...

Night Shooting Int Digital

Some pictures taken in downtown Vancouver at night. Playing with metering in low light situations.

Pic here - Metered one on the window, one on the sidewalk, chose a halfway point for the shot. So a bit of overexposure and underexposure but a nice enough image.

Needed a 7 second exposure, so put on bulb setting (unlimited time exposure) and put hand over the lens until a car went by to add more lights. Too many neon signs blew out the storefronts but it's a nice effect.

Two pictures, same scene, just exposing for different parts of the scene.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Adobe Work

Working with Adobe, removing colour information and using the history brush.

Black and White image, captured on RAW and then played with the contrast to get the image to really stick out.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Model Face shots

A number of face shots with the same model. Some with a white board to reflect light, some without.

Body Structure

Same model - two pictures.

Very thin body structure. When she had her head lifted it really emphasized her structure. However by asking her to lower her head her picture becomes more emotional because of the angles off her chin.

Studio Work

Studio Work with Models. Took pictures of the this model from various angles, creating a bit of a story.

A stressful moment when I thought the hotshoe on my camera wasn't going to work with the studio lighting. Luckily I was wrong.

You can see the different shades of colour for the same skin on the same person. Lighting really seems to affect the colour and mood of the image.

For this photo, we needed a white board to reflect light back onto the face off the flash. Otherwise the side of the face became washed out.

Final Image: The subject is created.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Aperture Values

By closing up the aperture. You change the way the picture is viewed. The first one shows the full scene, a well built overpass over a nice creek in an obviously western forest. The second one shows a fence that is well beyond it's years of service and adds something to the age of the forest.

Wide Aperture: F14.0Narrow Aperture: F2.8