Monday, January 23, 2006

Studio Work

One main concept we looked at today was how adjusting your camera up and down stops affects your picture. This is a screenshot of my desktop with the 5 images required. The second one down on the left would have been the most accurate setting. 9596

Picture Aperture Iso Exp White Meter Focal Length
9595 4.5 200 1/100 Auto Matrix 47.8
9596 4.5 200 1/60 Auto Matrix 47.8
9597 4.5 200 1/25 Auto Matrix 47.8
9598 4.5 200 1/200 Auto Matrix 47.8
9599 4.5 200 1/500 Auto Matrix 47.8
Here is the best picture... cropped of course. (Remember that these files are all compressed etc for the web)

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